Our Classes

Music Class

Our music class provides exceptional education in a variety of musical styles and instruments, taught by experienced instructors. We offer a supportive environment for students to learn and develop skills in music theory, composition, and performance. Our classes encourage creativity, build confidence, and develop critical thinking skills. Whether students are beginners or experienced musicians.

Art Class

Our art class provides high-quality education in various art forms such as painting, drawing, sculpture, and more. Our experienced instructors help students develop skills and techniques, while encouraging creative expression and imagination. We offer a supportive and inclusive environment for students to explore their talents, build confidence, and develop critical thinking skills.

Dance Class

We provides a high-quality education in various dance styles taught by experienced instructors. We offer a supportive and inclusive environment for students of all skill levels to learn and develop technique, artistry, and self-expression. Our classes promote physical fitness, confidence, and creativity, while also fostering teamwork and collaboration skills.

Extra Classes

Technology Education

Technology Education teaches students about computers, programming, and other technology-related subjects. It provides hands-on experience and quality education, with experienced teachers who can guide students in understanding and using technology effectively.

Physical Education

Physical Education promotes physical fitness and healthy habits through exercise and sports. It provides quality education with experienced teachers who can guide students in developing their physical skills, coordination, and teamwork abilities.

Foreign Language

Foreign Language teaches students about other cultures and languages, developing communication skills. It provides quality education with experienced teachers who can guide students in understanding language structure, vocabulary, and cultural nuances.

Life Skills

Life Skills helps students develop skills for everyday life, such as budgeting, cooking, and personal hygiene. It provides quality education with experienced teachers who can guide students in practicing and applying these skills.


Science introduces students to the world of scientific inquiry and teaches them about the natural world. It provides quality education with experienced teachers who can guide students in developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Social Studies

Social Studies teaches students about history, geography, economics, and civics. It provides quality education with experienced teachers who can guide students in understanding and analyzing social, political, and economic issues.




years Of Experience





Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.

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